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[口袋书系列]  发表时间: 2015-04-16 08:47 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭


  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world

  正觉教育基金会 编印Published by True Enlightenment Education Foundation






  What belongs to politics should return to politics,and what belongsto religions should return to religions.

  Do not bring politics into the internal affairs of Buddhism,and donot participate in the political affairs under the name of Buddhismeither.



  财团法人 正觉教育基金会



  财团法人 正觉教育基金会Are you a cuckold?

  If you do not want to be cuckolded (to wear a green hat in Chineseslang), do remember to read through this book; if you do not wantyour good friends to be cuckolded, please introduce this book tothem.If you want to protect the females of both your family and your goodfriends, please do remember to give them this book for reading.

  True Enlightenment Education Foundation

  The Truth aboutShangri-La

  How can the big millennial fraud still exist in this world? How canthe lamas, who wear red robes, cuckold those men whose wives arelearning the tantric practice? Why does the tantric practice usecopulation as its practice method all the time? Why will a man losehis wife if both of them are the tantric learners? Why will a womanlose her husband if she does not prevent her husband from learningthe tantric practice? Why is the Dalai Lama’s prayer useless? Youwill find all the detailed answers in this book. Through this book,you can fully understand the essence of the Couple-Practice Tantrain Tibetan Buddhism, and thus help your female family members beaway from the sexual assaults by the lamas.

  True Enlightenment Education Foundation


  In this wonderful book,you will find the true face of the Dalai Lama.

  Do not miss it!

  Editorial Note

  Over the recent decade, the Tibetan Tantric School hascontinuously emphasized the concept of “love for all”, which is awell-known virtue. However, the “love for all” referred to by theTibetan Tantric School has a different meaning than the one known bythe public. Unaware of its actual meaning, the public and news mediacan only deduce from the outer appearance that the promotion of“love for all” by the Tibetan Tantric School is a virtuous religiousbehavior and thus generally admire and support their religiousmovement.

  However, the so-called “love for all” by the Tibetan TantricSchool is in fact the evil behavior of having sex with others’ wivesor daughters, in the guise of “love for all”. The truth about this“love for all” promoted by the Tibetan Tantric School is the pursuitof tactile happiness extending from the male sexual organ to thewhole body during copulation; this practice follows the teaching ofthe Couple-Practice Tantra, which is the contents of Tranquility andInsight in Tsongkhapa’s book The Great Treatise on the Stages of thePath to Enlightenment. All contents of Tranquility and Insight areabout the co-practice of copulation by a male and female couple. Dueto the book’s obscure wording, only the lamas can grasp its realmeaning, which they do not explain to general believers. They onlyteach these “Tranquility and Insight” tricks in private to thefemales they are interested in, with the purpose of seducing theminto cultivating the couple-practice of copulation. Tsongkhaparequested the lamas to cultivate the Couple-Practice Tantra everyday and, during practice, to extend the tactile bliss from thesexual organ to the whole body for a long time. He requested thatthey should copulate with women every day in each lifetime andshould maintain the whole-body tactile bliss by embracing women forat least sixteen hours a day.

  From the above facts, we can conclude that the purpose for theTibetan Tantric School to extensively promote “love for all” is infact loving all women in the world. Whenever they find a qualified beautiful woman, they will make every effort to copulate with her sothat both parties can obtain the whole-body bliss. This is the truthabout “love for all” promoted by the Tibetan Tantra School. However,the Tibetan Tantric School has never disclosed it, but instead, hasjust been hawking the expression “love for all,” a concept that theyfail to explain clearly, so that the public and news media, due tomisconception, would wrongly think that it is a religion with loveand would thus zealously support it. The public and news media thinktheir behavior is to generally guide the society toward virtuousnessand brightness, but in fact they destroy more families of tantriclearners.


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