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[口袋书系列]  发表时间: 2015-04-16 08:47 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭

  It says the same under the topic of Samatha and Vipassana(Tranquility and Insight) in the second half of his another book,The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment(LamRim); however, obscure or ambiguous terms are used, and it isdifficult for the laymen to understand.

  In the Extended Treatise on the Progression of the Esoteric Path,Tsongkhapa claimed: “The instant wondrous wisdom becomes manifest onthat condition. One receives the wisdom for eight double-hours(sixteen hours) a day, a whole day, a month, a year, an eon or athousand eons.” Namely, Tsongkhapa told his disciples (i.e. thefollowers of Tibetan fake Buddhism such as all the Dalai Lamas ofsuccessive generations) that, during the couple-practice ofcopulation (Mahayoga), the pleasurable sensation of the fourth-joyarising instantly from the union of male and female sex organs iscalled “wondrous wisdom.” This “wondrous wisdom” will becomemanifest when the lamas or gurus copulate with their femalefollowers (or called buddha-mother). The tantric male or femalepractitioners who have taken the samaya precepts, which wereinvented by Lamaism, should dwell securely in the pleasurablesensation of sexual intercourse at least eight double-hours (i.e.sixteen hours) a day or a whole day. Even more, they should keepdwelling in the pleasurable sensation of sexual intercourse for awhole month, a whole year, a whole eon or even a whole thousandeons. All ancient and present living-buddhas or lamas of Tibetanfake Buddhism are incapable of achieving such a state. (In fact,even Tsongkhapa himself was unable to do it, not to mention thoseDalai Lamas of successive generations who died in their early age.)It is because this is a delusional thought of Tsongkhapa; he evencould not do it himself, let alone the living-buddhas or lamas oflater generations. According to the rule by Tsongkhapa, all thelamas who practice the couple-practice of copulation shouldcontinuously maintain the conscious mind in a state where no thoughtarises while they are in the fourth-joy of pleasurable union or theDual Operations of Bliss and Emptiness during the sexualintercourse. The perceptive mind at that time is shapeless andformless, and it is falsely claimed to be the emptiness-nature,which has fallen into the state of non-Buddhist eternalism and isnot the emptiness-nature realized in Buddhism. The so-calledwondrous wisdom by them has completely nothing to do with theBuddhist wisdom of the Liberation-Way and the Buddhahood-Way. Such aridiculous claim completely deviates from the truth of Buddhistliberation and violates the Buddhist precepts. The samaya preceptstipulates that the lamas should take the obscene pleasure, which isthe lowest state in the desire-realm, every day. It is impossiblefor them to keep the precepts transmitted by Tathagata such as thelay five precepts, the Hinayana Bhiksu precepts and Bhikshuniprecepts, as well as the Mahayana Bodhisattva precepts. On thecontrary, they are making the sentient beings collectively createthe evil karma of adultery that will lead to the evil paths. TibetanBuddhism is a fake Buddhism that destroys family and violates thepure Buddhist precepts. At most, they are learners and promoters ofthe art of worldly sexual love.










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