热搜:  布施  二信  如来藏  佛事展  三乘菩提



[口袋书系列]  发表时间: 2015-04-16 08:47 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭

  The lamas of the Tibetan Tantric School have collected wealthillegally in Taiwan for many years; they have cheated the Taiwanesefollowers out of their resources and money. Again, they came toTaiwan for raising money by taking advantage of the disaster ofTaiwan (August 8 Flood Disaster or called Typhoon Morakot Disaster).While the Taiwanese people were suffering from the typhoon disasterand in urgent need of help, the Dalai Lama came to Taiwan for showand collected wealth under the guise of praying for the blessings.Therefore, the members of the True Enlightenment EducationFoundation made a public request: “The Dalai Lama should give allthe money raised from the prayer meeting to those victims of thedisaster. Do not take advantage of the kindness of Taiwanese peopleand take away their hard-earned money in the name of praying for theblessings while the victims are in need of help.”

  The wise Taiwanese people! Just think calmly: Are you stillwilling to donate your money to the lamas who always have sex withother people’s wives or daughters in Taiwan every year? Do you stillwant to invite those who openly or privately focus on theCouple-Practice Tantra to pray for the blessings? To have mutualsympathy and to help each other are actually the most valuabletreasure of Taiwanese people. We do not need a foreign swindler toperform the religious ceremony, which is ineffective and will leadto the evil results. The Dalai Lama’s prayer will invite the demonsand ghosts that support “the Couple-Practice Tantra of Mahayoga inTibetan Buddhism.” Such a prayer will make the Taiwanese connectwith the lecherous devils and make the Taiwanese women continue tocommit adultery with the lamas. Therefore, all the husbands of thosefemale believers of Tibetan “Buddhism” will be in danger of wearinga green hat. (The Chinese slang “wearing a green hat” means thatsomeone’s wife is unfaithful.) It is incredible that someone invitedsuch a person to pray for the blessings. It is absolutely ridiculousbecause the Dalai Lama’s prayer is totally ineffective.

  Today, many people who are ignorant of right and evil stillstrongly support the Dalai Lama, who preaches the evilCouple-Practice Tantra under the guise of “Buddhism.” It is evenmore terrible and miserable that many people wrongly considerLamaism (its lamas focusing on the Couple-Practice Tantra andprivately having sex with other people’s wives or daughters) to be abranch school of Buddhism. They have blind faith in Tibetan“Buddhism” only because it is under the guise of Buddhism, and theydo not want to know at all about the connotation of the Buddhistteachings, which is entirely different from that of Lamaism. Somepeople even strongly propagate Lamaism, making the evilCouple-Practice Tantra (the “Dual Operations of Bliss and Emptinessof Mahayoga in Tibetan Buddhism”) widely spread in Taiwan. Under theinfluence of the strong propagation by those who have blind faith inthe Dalai Lama, the Taiwanese females will continue to be sexuallyabused. As to those Taiwanese men who support their wives inlearning Lamaism, they do not know that they are wearing a green hatafter their wives have committed adultery secretly with the lamas.

  From the Buddhist perspective, those who strongly support theCouple-Practice Tantra of Tibetan “Buddhism” also do not know thatthey have already created a collective karma that will lead to thehell and animal paths in their future lives. Even if one is in highsocial status or knowledgeable in this lifetime, or one is famous oroutwardly modest at present, he will make the social moralitydecline to an extent that cannot be saved because he helps to spreadthe evil and licentious Lamaism due to ignorance. Those who supportthe “Couple-Practice Tantra of Tibetan Buddhism” are misleading thegeneral people and get them into trouble. What we can do now is tosay “No” to Lamaism. We will continue to tell people the true factsand hope to correct the knowledge of the public so that everyone canclearly understand the essence of Tibetan “Buddhism” (Lamaism),which is evil and licentious all the way. Let us pray that theTaiwanese men can increase their wisdom by the unseen help ofBuddhas and bodhisattvas; they can keep their wives away from theTibetan Tantric School so that they are not in the danger of wearinga green hat.

  Let us work together to help and protect the Taiwanese people andmake their wisdom grow!

  We pray that the Taiwanese people will not again receive the evilteachings of those tantric gurus, lamas or living-buddhas and do notwrongly think that the Buddhist monks can have the couple-practiceof copulation with the female disciples. Do not let theCouple-Practice Tantra of “Tibetan Buddhism” continue to defileTaiwan. Do not let the lamas of the Tibetan fake Buddhism, led bythe Dalai Lama, continue to deceive the Taiwanese men and to commitadultery with their female followers. The innocent Taiwanese menshould not allow their wives to learn the tantric practice lest theymight wear a green hat. Do not let the lamas continue to deceive theignorant, superstitious monastics into violating the precept ofcelibacy under the guise of Buddhism. We hope that the Buddhistworld of Taiwan renounce the evil Couple-Practice Tantra and becomepure. When the Taiwanese people can stop the lamas of Tibetan fakeBuddhism from sexually abusing the females, the seeds of evil karmacreated by the lamas’ adultery will stop to grow. Only this way canTaiwan be away from the natural disasters induced secretly by thedemons and ghosts, which are the fake buddhas and bodhisattvasinvited by the lamas. We make a serious public request: The braveand wise Taiwanese! The prayer ceremony should be performed by usbut not by the Dalai Lama, who creates the evil karma of adulteryand is not welcomed by all Buddhas and bodhisattvas.


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