热搜:  布施  二信  如来藏  佛事展  三乘菩提



[口袋书系列]  发表时间: 2015-04-16 08:47 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭

  Again, the Dalai Lama took the chance of the typhoon disaster onAugust 8 and came to Taiwan to earn huge money, under the dignifiedname of his prayer for Taiwanese people. It seems they want to showtheir “love for all” to Taiwanese people, but Taiwanese people donot know that the substance of their “love for all” is to have sexwith all women and make them get the sexual happiness. It means theywant to extensively make love with all Taiwanese females, but theydignify it in the name of cultivating Mahayoga. On the other hand,we should explore the following question: Is it effective that theDalai Lama pray to the Buddha for blessing? Due to the visits ofmany lamas, which are assigned by the Dalai Lama, lots of sexualassaults on Taiwanese virtuous females occur under the guise ofBuddhism. We cannot just let it happens without any action; wecannot bear that Taiwanese females are defiled by the lamas and losetheir chastity. Therefore, we stand out and advocate:

  The Dalai Lama encourages the cultivation of the Couple-PracticeTantra all the time. Regardless how much effort they use to dignifythe tantric practice with the “Buddhist terms,” it has completelynothing to do with the Buddha dharma. The Dalai Lama’s practiceattainment is far below that of any local Taiwanese monasticpractitioner who cleanly and purely keeps his precept. In addition,the Dalai Lama has seriously violated the Buddha’s clean, pureprecept and is the evil person who has committed the gross sin ofthe Avici Hell; according to the Buddhist precept, he willdefinitely fall down to the hell after death. The Dalai Lama is theevil one who replaces Buddha Sakyamuni’s dharma with thenon-Buddhist dharma and completely destroys the Buddhist truedharma. Since all Buddhas dislike this kind of persons, the prayerof the Dalai Lama, who commits sexual misconduct as well as damagesthe true dharma, will not be supported by all Buddhas no matter howbig the ceremony is or how loud the sounds of Buddhist musicalinstruments are. Therefore, his prayer is useless!

  We not only identify in public that what the Dalai Lama does isdamaging the true dharma but also advise him to proclaim in public:to abandon the Couple-Practice Tantra and donate all the income ofthis ceremony to the suffering Taiwanese people!

  This time, while the Dalai Lama visited Taiwan to collect money inthe name of prayer for blessings, around four hundred bodhisattvasof the True Enlightenment Education Foundation automatically stoodout and went to Kaohsiung to protest against him with the purposesof disclosing the obscene fact of the Couple-Practice Tantra inTibetan “Buddhism,” extensively protecting the Taiwanese femalesfrom being defiled, preventing the Taiwanese males from beingcuckolded in secret by the lamas, and educating Taiwanese people tokeep far away from the tantric Lamaism as sooner as possible so thatthey would not be harmed. We summarize the related media reports inthis book, identifies the contents of the Couple-Practice Tantra inthe later part of the book with evidence, and distributes it freelyand continuously so as to educate the public to avoid being cheated.We also appeal to the wise Taiwanese people to do more good things,not supporting the lamas, who seduce or rape the Taiwanese females,so that the lamas will no longer hurt Taiwan in a hidden way.Inviting the foreign lamas or living-buddhas, who disguisethemselves as the Buddhist practitioners, is in fact to set a fox tokeep one’s geese and make this land, which is clean and pureoriginally, have obscene evil karma everywhere. It also attracts theghosts and demons, who disguise themselves as the Buddhas orbodhisattvas, and results in more severe disasters than this one inthe future. The wise should refuse the prayers, empowerments, andteachings of the Dalai Lama, who promotes the evil couple-practiceof copulation with multiple female followers and does not hold thepure precepts. What we need is the prayer from the true Buddhistdharma-masters with clean, pure precept. With the tantric practiceflooding in Taiwan now, those males whose wives are tantric learnerswill possibly be cuckolded and should have the following questions:Does my wife have sex with the lama? Am I cuckolded by the lama insecret?

  Lamaism,with the Couple-Practice Tantra,is not Buddhism!

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