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[口袋书系列]  发表时间: 2015-04-16 08:47 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭


  Titbit of information 1: During activity, someone was taking a closephoto of a female peace protester in an extremely rude way, with athreatening attitude. It is not a proper behavior that a civilizedperson should have.花絮一:在活动其中有人用极度粗鲁的方式 对和平的女性抗议者近距离拍摄,带有恐吓意味,绝非文明人应有的行为。

  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-4-19)


  Titbit of information 2: Originally, it is only a simple religiousdeclaration and social educational activity. However, this man, withpolitical intent, was taking a close photo of the face of a femalepeace demonstrator, and giving verbal offence. Because of hisextremely rude behavior, the simple activity of religiousdeclaration is polluted with political intention. Distorting areligious activity and making it become a political one is obviouslynot a proper behavior that a civilized person should have.花絮二:这本来是一个单纯的宗教宣示及社会教育活动,却因为这位有政治意图人士极端无理行为,以脸部特写的近距离方式对平和的女性宣示者拍摄特写,加上各种言语挑衅,使单纯的宗教宣示活动被强行染上政治色彩。把宗教活动扭曲为政治活动,显然不是一个有教养的文明人应有之行为。

  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-4-21)

  Titbit of information 3: September 1, 2009, around 11:35 a.m.,across the street from the Kaohsiung Arena, a Taiwanese lama in redsuddenly appeared and verbally insulted us with extremely rude andobscene words; he even tore our leaflets to shreds. The TrueEnlightenment bodhisattvas picked up the crumpled leaflet, which wassnatched and dumped to the ground by him, and continued the peacefuldemonstration; again and again, the True Enlightenment bodhisattvasalways faced the situation with silence, looking upon his shout withcompassion.花絮三:2009/09/01约11时35分许,在高雄巨蛋综合体育馆对街,突然出现一位身穿红衣的台籍喇嘛,以极端粗鄙淫秽的言语向我们侮辱,甚至毁损我们的宣传文宣;正觉菩萨从地上捡起被他抢去揉成一团的文宣品,平和地继续宣示;一次又一次,始终沉默而以慈悲心态面对他的叫嚣。


  Titbit of information 4: For a political set-up, the lama in redsaid, “Are you saying that the Dalai Lama commits adultery and willfall into the hell realm? This is slander. You are the informers ofKuomintang (KMT)!”花絮四:红衣喇嘛政治栽赃说:什么达赖喇嘛邪淫下地狱?你们是毁谤,是国民党的爪耙子!

  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-4-23)

  V News Reports about the Dalai Lama’sTaiwan Visit for Prayer

  Report 1

  Dalai Lama’s Taiwan visit captures worldwide media attention. AlJazeera: It will have a reverse effect.

  September 2, Taipei, China Review News Agency, news report today:The Dalai Lama held a prayer ceremony in Kaohisung on September 1.It draws the high attention of international media, including themajor media such as CNN and Al Jazeera. CNN reports that over tenthousands people attended the prayer ceremony, while Al Jazeera saysin the news network that the Dalai Lama’s Taiwan visit will changethe cross-strait relations.

  “We first report the news from Taiwan: Over ten thousands peopleattended the prayer ceremony held by the Dalai Lama for the victimsof Typhoon Morakot…” The Dalai Lama held a prayer ceremony in Taiwanon September 1, which has become the focus of international media.CNN has also especially reported in the Hourly News that themainland China cancelled some of the officials' trips to Taiwan inprotest at Dalai Lama's Taiwan visit.

  In addition, Singapore TV also reported the Dalai Lama’s visit toTaiwan and invited a specialist in the East-Asia affairs Denny Lifor comments. Denny Li expressed his views that the Dalai Lama’svisit will not have too much influence on cross-strait relations andhe said, “On a long-term basis, I do not think the Dalai Lama’svisit will have any influence on cross-strait relations. I thinkTaiwan and some of international media all underestimated theserious concern of Beijing about cross-strait relations.”

  Al Jazeera also reported the Dalai Lama’s visit to Taiwan in thenews network and said the Dalai Lama’s visit will have a reverseeffect on Taiwan, and mainland China has even cancelled theofficials’ trip to Taiwan because of this event.

  (The above information is retrieved from China Review News,2009/10/30http://www.chinareviewnews.com/crn-webapp/doc/docDetailCNML.jsp?coluid=7&kindid=0&docid=101065229 2009/11/08)







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