热搜:  布施  二信  如来藏  佛事展  三乘菩提



[口袋书系列]  发表时间: 2015-04-16 08:47 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭

  After our spokesperson granted an interview to a reporter, I hearda police officer whisper in my ear, “Ready to go?”

  “Go? Are your troops leaving?” Looking at this officer’s smilingface, I asked bluntly.

  “No, it’s you!”

  Simultaneously I heard the “Depart!” instruction shouted by theteam leader. Before my departure, I quickly handed out a couple ofbrochures and a few copies of Decoding the Dalai Lama’s CopulationTantra Practice to the police officers around me who were willing toaccept. This simple act would enable them to have a connection withthe Buddha dharma, if not in this life, maybe in a future life.Meanwhile, a gentle chanting in the distance could be heard,

  “The lamas’ religion is not Buddhism!”“The lamas’ religion is not Buddhism!”“Lamaism, with the Couple-Practice Tantra, is not Buddhism!”…

  From top to toes, I was drenched in sweat, I felt the heat, but mymind remained lucid and tranquil.

  Once we were back to the park, I enjoyed the delightful bottle ofwater and the fan handed to me by other members to quench my thirstand heat. The then-solid, perseverant warriors had turned into everyamiable, kind bodhisattvas. Within views there were green leaves,stools, drinks and sweat, which mingled with the dharma companionswho shared common goals; I could feel the breeze of the innocentwind which was playful with or without Spring.

  As it is said in Buddhism, there are causes and karmas behindevery gathering; nothing is coincidental. Could this be thesequential battle of the one that took place three hundred years agoafter the two parties’ formal dharma authentication debates, when wewere forced by the defeated yet more powerful party into a muddyfight in Tibet? Nowadays, due to our Venerable Master Pings’marvelous level of realization, we can benefit from his numerouscomprehensive books which refute non-Buddhist teachings and from hislessons, which explain in great details the profound true dharmas,unheard of in contemporary Buddhism, and which aim to bring in thoseinclined towards Buddhism. In addition, the bodhisattvas of the TrueEnlightenment Practitioners Association aim to spread ourpublications widely, and vow to expel false teachings out from trueBuddhism, with a view to benefit all Buddhist followers. Thismission was exactly an educational occasion for the society towitness the true dharma, an occasion for us to accumulate merits andvirtues together. As a result, the power and glory of the truedharma will certainly strengthen. This initial crusade was madepossible by the Buddha’s blessings, our vows and the karmic powersof causes and conditions. Nevertheless, we did not need to engageinto hand-in-hand fights in muddy darkness the way we did in thepast; we now aim to move forward to counter our rivals under thebright sunlight and openly in the public.

  Main Battle

  The team leader rearranged the tactical dispatches after mappingout the plan on the park’s ground. The traffic light intersectionsoutside the Arena exits were the focal locations. Team One hadalready set off. Team Two was just around the corner of the park, asa police car pulled right up to the pavement.

  “Your school focuses on cultivation for enlightenment and seeingthe Buddha-nature. But everyone has got his own karmas and goals;why do you have to attack the others?” The Chief Officer spokestraight to the point; he repeated the words “enlightenment” and“seeing the Buddha-nature.”

  “We are not here to propagate ‘enlightenment and how to see theBuddha-nature’; we are here to point out the fact that the lamas’religion is not real Buddhism; they should not fool people andmislead Buddhists!”

  “You group has assembled a huge crowd within my control area; whenthe media show up, you will certainly raise your protest signboards,and I am responsible for this area.”“But if we stand here quietly until the media show up, then are weallowed to remain here?” I tried.

  The lawyer came over to communicate with the Chief Officer; wesoon found out that this area was under the jurisdiction of anotherpolice officer, different from the one who looked after the areaopposite the traffic light and whom we spent time in the morningbuilding a relationship with. I decided not to waste any secondhere, walked across the avenue with the others. We were all bakingin the generous southern Taiwan sunlight. One brother member pointedto the front and said to me, “Sister, over there!” I looked at himpuzzlingly. “Over there, you can stay in the shade!”

  It was still office hours, not much traffic was to be seen. Thewristwatch belonging to the companion next to me read 11:40 a.m. Wewere waiting with full anticipation for the program in the Arena toend. All members were squarely dispatched all around theintersections.

  Soon enough, I saw brother members put on their uniform vests atthe far end of our block; I hurried over to make sure their actionwas agreeable with the timing. Within seconds, banners andsignboards were amply raised to their parade position. The avenueregained live with pedestrians and motorcyclists within views.Attendees of the Dalai Lama gathering exited in groups on the otherside of the eight-lined avenue, walking leisurely right opposite us.We were much too obvious to be ignored by any pairs of eyes. Theavenue was gradually occupied by cars and motorcycles; I couldclearly see a motorcyclist mouth the words written on our banners,“Lamaism, with the Couple-Practice Tantra, is not Buddhism!”


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