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[口袋书系列]  发表时间: 2015-04-16 08:47 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭


  Whatever the lamas call it, “Mahayoga, radiance of bliss, Mahamudra,Great Perfection, Dual Operations of Bliss and Emptiness, etc.,”they all refer to the couple-practice of copulation, which means tocopulate with beautiful female followers in turn.不论喇嘛们宣称的是“无上瑜伽、大乐光明、大手印、大圆满、乐空双运”等,都是要与美貌女信徒一一性交的双身法。

  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-2-15)


  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-2-17)

  Actually, the Lamaistic couple-body statues are hidden in manytemples of Tibetan “Buddhism.” Why is that? It is because Tibetan“Buddhism,” led by the Dalai Lama, essentially comes from the HinduTantrism, which worships sex and reproduction, in the guise ofBuddhism. They promote “love for all” for the purpose of copulatingwith all women in the world and achieving “the Dual Operations ofBliss and Emptiness.” In fact, “love for all” is just an excuse tohave sexual pleasure for free.许多信受或修学藏传“佛教”的寺院中,都暗中供奉喇嘛教的双身像;因为以达赖为首的藏传“佛教”本质是源自印度性力派的生殖崇拜而冒用佛法,他们高唱博爱,是要与天下所有女人性交,达到“乐空双运”,“博爱”只是谋取免费淫乐的藉口。


  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-2-19)


  The couple-body statue in sitting posture in North Pagoda HuguoDharma Wheel Temple, Shengyang, China. Photograph taken on December13, 2009.渖阳北塔护国法轮寺的坐姿男女双身像。2009/12/13拍摄。

  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-2-21)


  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-2-23)


  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-2-25)


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  版工 发短消息加为好友版工 当前离线 在线时间1310 小时 最后登录2011-12-25 注册时间2003-11-19 帖子2049UID3831管理员10#发表于 2010-8-28 22:31 |只看该作者 丙、冰山一角──近年各地密宗喇嘛性丑闻的媒体报导一览:

  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-3-1)

  The sex scandals about the tantric lamas happen in many differentplaces. The dharma-kings, lamas, or living-buddhas, have copulationwith all the beautiful young female believers like this. Theydignify it with the name of couple practicing the Dual Operations ofBliss and Emptiness.



  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-3-3)

  The reason why the lamas have been frequently involved in sexscandals is that the doctrinal essence of “Tibetan Buddhism” isabout using copulation as its practice method, in the dignified nameof Couple-Practice Tantra of Mahayoga.



  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-3-5)

  The totem of sex and reproduction worship (the sexual organs of bothsexes), publicly standing in front of a tantric temple of Tibetan“Buddhism,” shows that the Tibetan Tantric School always preachesthe Couple-Practice Tantra, which comes from the Hinduism andpursues the obscene happiness of copulation.The pictures areretrieved from the website: http://www.xzta.gov.cn/rwxz/zjw西藏密宗藏传“佛教”寺院门口公开展示的生殖崇拜图腾——男女性器官,显示密宗所弘扬的从来都是取自印度教的男女性交追求淫乐的双身法。图片引用自:http://www.xzta.gov.cn/rwxz/zjw


  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-3-7)

  This is the couple-body “buddha statue” of Tibetan “Buddhism.” Thetantric lama is privately doing the couple-practice of Mahayoga(radiance of bliss) with your wife like this; sometimes, they do thecouple-practice in a sitting posture, just like the photograph shownabove; in such a way, you are the man wearing a green hat givensecretly by the lamas.这是藏传“佛教”双身法的“佛像”,密宗喇嘛与您的妻子就暗中这样合修无上瑜伽、大乐光明;他们有时也以坐姿进行,犹如上图所显示,您就这样被喇嘛们暗中戴上了绿帽子。



  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-3-9)


  This is the couple-body “buddha statue” of Tibetan “Buddhism” instanding posture. The tantric lamas or rinpoches are privately doingthe couple-practice of Mahayoga (the Dual Operations of Bliss andEmptiness) with your wife like this.这是藏传“佛教”立姿双身法的“佛像”,密宗喇嘛、仁波切,他们与您的妻子就这样暗中合修无上瑜伽、乐空双运。


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