Take a look, here! Everyone was watching; the seeds of the truedharma had already been sown onto the lookers-on. Only timing andkarmas were needed to bring forth the corresponding occurrences inthe future. After several hundred years of waiting, this was thevery moment. Our body temperature was heated up by the scorchingsun; I felt my heart pounding!
Touring buses, crowds and motorcycles were jam-packed right undermy nose; behind us were also curious pedestrians, I turned around toanswer their enquiries. “What’s up between you and the lamas?” Alady asked cautiously.
“It’s nothing personal. The religion of the lamas has nothing todo with Buddhism at all, yet they have covered themselves up asBuddhists and have misled Buddhist followers all along. Have a goodlook here for more details.” I handed her a copy of Decoding theDalai Lama’s Copulation Tantra Practice and some leaflets, while shenodded in agreement.
“What is ‘Copulation Tantra’ after all?” A middle-aged maninquired.
“Good question! Please do check out these; they will tell you theactual facts.”
“How could you have such ‘obscene’ wordings in your text?Buddhists are not supposed to express themselves in such a way.”Another one disagreed with a deep frown to show his discontent.
“Certainly not. It’s utterly beyond anyone’s imagination, yetthose are the actual facts; it’s also the reason we ought to speakout the truth! Anyway, you must take a good look at these materials.We know what we are doing, and are fully responsible for our deeds.Please do refer to these!” I also handed him some materials. He wasstill mumbling, but at least did not reject me.
At the same moment, three young lamas appeared, one of themholding our green leaflet in his right hand. I recognized itinstantly and stepped forward to ask him, “Can you read Chinese?”
“Where are we now?” The other one who was on the mobile asked medirectly. I looked around, as a stranger here as well, trying tolocate our position. Abruptly, he pushed his mobile into my hand!
I tried to explain our location to the tour guide on the other endof the mobile, “…Right in front of the Arena, at the intersectionslightly towards…, a China Petroleum Station, Chung Cheng Road…,…yes, in front of the Joy Plaza…” Obviously, she was a visitor tothis city too, so I spent a lot of time explaining our location. Itold the lamas to wait at this spot for their touring bus to collectthem. Also, seeing the blazing sunlight right atop their bare heads,I suggested that they wait in the shade of the Joy Plaza Building. Abrother member who was holding one side of the banner at a distanceturned to me with one thumb up, as the three lost lambs walked awayfrom me.
Once we were back to the park and were offered with a lunch boxeach, I leaned against the wooden table, and then noticed my yellingsore feet.
While munching my food, I enjoyed the gentle breeze of the wind,noticing that tree leaves could have incredibly various tones ofgreen to cope with the burning heat. The wooden bench, the scent ofthe earth, the bushes and the crawling ants. … It suddenly hit me,how many thousand days had gone by since I last had my picnic in agarden? I heard some tender voices, accompanied by radiant smiles.“What did they want, those three lamas?”
“You did notice?”“Sure thing! Security matters!”“They lost their way, which was only a tiny loss compared to amuch bigger one-- their ignorance regarding the truth of life!”
Indeed, what a unique, luxurious feast.
Two thousand and five hundred years ago, Demon Mara impudentlyhastened the Buddha to enter the nirvana state; what was then hisbackbone to support this intrusive courage? Demon Mara knew wellenough, as long as the true dharma remained unknown to the public,all sentient beings would certainly stay connected to the statesthat appeal to the conscious mind. They would indulge in sensualdesires and would be trapped into the endless rounds of births anddeaths (samsara). This way, they would all be herded into DemonMara’s kingdom. Since its inception, the lama’s religion has beenusing the Buddhist terminology in an abusive way, sugar-coatingtheir teachings with a “Secret” flavor, and actually replacing theessence of practices with the lamas’ own inventions. They havemanaged to fool the entire world up to this day. Their followersjoin their movement in a swarm, led by influential celebrities. Thistrend has prevailed in a deep-rooted and interlocked way for morethan a thousand years, but we are determined to destroy the den ofdemons. This is just the beginning of a crusade of the right toeradicate the evil. Of course, we are mindful of the challenges andperils that will obstruct our path as we head towards our goal.
Our initial crusade was performed in the “True Enlightenment”style, which stood for serenity and a clear warning to the society.Comparatively speaking, it was like a mild fragrance pervading thesmelly fish market. It was only natural to draw the public’sattention using a violent way of expression in this mundane world.The bellowing of the five, six persons in the morning was laterbroadly reported by the media in the evening news. Worst of all, thenews put the focus on the strong conflicts among the demonstratorsoutside the Arena, more or less implying that we were involved insome violent clash. That was entirely untrue. As the Buddhist sayinggoes, “From an ordinary mortal’s eyes, the Buddha is but an ordinaryman; but from the Buddha’s eyes, an ordinary mortal is precisely aBuddha.” This is the way things are in the world!
- 上一篇:25、迈向正觉〈二〉—追寻真理的动人故事
- 下一篇:24、博爱——爱尽天下女人
- 普门自在─公案拈提集锦
- 自序──本书之缘起
- 第五一二则 翠微恶水
- 第五一三则 道吾坐卧
- 第五一四则 道吾同道
- 第五一五则 道吾即非
- 第五一六则 道吾不识
- 第五一七则 道吾知有
- 第五一八则 云岩驱驱
- 第五一九则 云岩非眼
- 第五二二则 百颜尊贵
- 第五二六则 三平万里
- 第五二八则 福州开遮
- 第五二九则 德山诃佛
- 第五三○则 德山问话
- 第五三二则 德山畜生
- 第五三五则 投子孤负
- 第五三六则 洞山无著
- 第三二六则 南泉不是
- 第五○二则 药山闲坐
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- 净土祖师 九祖蕅益大师年谱
- 净土祖师 八祖云栖本师行略
- 净土祖师 八祖莲池大师塔铭
- 净土宗祖师 初祖庐山东林慧远大师
- 净土宗祖师 二祖长安光明善导大师
- 净土宗祖师 三祖南岳般舟承远大师
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- 净土组祖师 六祖杭州永明延寿大师
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- 净土宗祖师 十一祖杭州梵天省庵大师
- 净土宗祖师 十二祖红螺资福彻悟大师
- 净土宗祖师 十三祖苏州灵岩印光大师
- 昙鸾法师传记资料
- 隋天台智者大师别传
- 莲宗诸祖论智者大师
- 西藏文化谈(楔子):也说六世达赖仓央加错
- 西藏文化谈(一):巫术,作为政治手段
- 西藏文化谈(二):热振喇嘛(Reting)
- 西藏文化谈(三):金刚乘
- 西藏文化谈(四):从Kailash的说法谈开去
- 西藏文化谈(五):阴阳理论
- 西藏文化谈(六):化神术
- 西藏文化谈(七、八):采阴术
- 西藏文化谈(十三):一个了不起的藏族女人
- 西藏文化谈(十四、十五):香巴拉(Shambhala
- 西藏文化谈(十六):坛城(Mandala)的原则
- 西藏文化谈(十七):十四世达赖的《时轮经》
- 西藏文化谈(十八):达赖喇嘛的守护神Palden
- 西藏文化谈(十九):达赖喇嘛与麻原彰晃
- 喇嘛的公开谎言
- 达赖喇嘛主张修双身法
- 明妃的真相
- 灌顶的真相
- 无上瑜伽修行真相
- 宗喀巴的邪见
- 一、学佛应有的作法与心态
- 二、生活与佛法
- 三、学佛应有的目标
- 四、烦恼即菩提,生死即涅槃
- 大悲忏一
- 大悲忏二
- 大悲忏三
- 大悲忏四
- 1、《无相念佛》DVD第1部分
- 2、《无相念佛》DVD第2部分
- 3、《无相念佛》DVD第3部分
- 4、《无相念佛》DVD第4部分
- 5、《无相念佛》DVD第5部分
- 6、《无相念佛》DVD第6部分
- 7、《无相念佛》DVD第7部分
- 中国网--《中国访谈》余正文、余正伟
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- 中国网--文化中国:弘扬中国传统文化--走进
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- 坛经辩讹 第02集 孙正德老师主讲
- 坛经辩讹 第03集 孙正德老师主讲
- 坛经辩讹 第04集 孙正德老师主讲
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- 坛经辩讹 第15集 孙正德老师主讲
- 坛经辩讹 第16集 蔡正礼老师主讲
- 坛经辩讹 第17集 蔡正礼老师主讲
- 坛经辩讹 第18集 蔡正礼老师主讲
- 坛经辩讹 第19集 孙正德老师主讲
- 坛经辩讹 第20集 孙正德老师主讲
- 正觉电子报第111期 扉页等
- 涅槃(连载13)----平实导师
- 导师法语
- 般若中观(连载13)----游正光老师
- 苍天有眼(连载26)----郭正益老师
- 广论之平议(连载69)----正雄居士
- 假锋虚焰金刚乘(连载23)----释正安
- 次法——施论、戒论、生天之论(连载16)--
- 离家之路与回家之路----觉明居士
- 公开声明
- **声明**
- 法义辨正声明
- 中国佛教复兴系列访谈报导
- 布告栏
- 发售书籍目录2015/1/1
- 赠书目录2014/05/14
- 版权页
- 正觉电子报第110期 扉页等
- 法华经讲义(自序)----平实导师
- 般若中观(连载12)----游正光老师
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