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[口袋书系列]  发表时间: 2015-04-16 08:47 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭

  Arrival at the Kaohsiung Arena (Southern Taiwan)

  Alongside the park square, boxes of brochures, banners andsignboards were quickly hauled out from the buses to the sidewalk.We had just arrived in the vicinity of the Kaohsiung Arena; it was08:35 a.m. There were around four hundred bodhisattvas altogetherinvolved in this mission, including those from the regions ofTaichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung. The team leader briefed us one finaltime on the tactic and re-emphasized the importance of working as ateam. The banners and signboards were evenly distributed among us;everyone had the navy blue uniform vest ready in hand. It wasdecided that the hundred bodhisattvas from Taipei would be the frontline demonstrators, a token of appreciation for our efforts forcoming such a long way.

  With the rising warm sun at the backs, the entire light-coloredkung fu outfit group, led by the team leader, moved silently butbriskly along the park lane towards the Arena. The on-looking greentrees were quietly lined up, awaiting the scenario to come.

  My joyously bumping heart nearly betrayed our grave mission.Striding forwards along the Arena block for about fifty meters, Iheard some noise behind. I turned around, and unexpectedly caughtthe view of some weird shapes clustered together; someone wassurrounded by several clumsy huge cameras. We stopped; I heard thesounds of a conversation. All of a sudden, a bare command, “Pull thebanners!” Faster than anyone had realized, we were all gearing upfor the big mission: adjusting the distance, stretching arms andstraightening the banners. Our legs kept moving, the whole groupkept advancing, approaching the front side of the Arena. At my leftfront, I saw a broad staircase leading to the left entrance of theArena. My arms grabbed a bodhisattva, “Up there, go! Get up thestaircase!” Up they went, and the bright yellow Chinese banner whichread“Lamaism, with the Couple-Practice Tantra, is not Buddhism!”washoisted upright aside the staircase.

  I rushed to other young bodhisattvas, who were holding the Englishbanner, pointed with my finger and asked, “Could you manage to getup here?” Without muttering a word, theirs knees tilted slightly,both of them hopped up to the edge of theartificial-sloped park. Again, the distinctly bright yellow bannerwhich read the English words“Lamaism, with the Couple-Practice Tantra, is not Buddhism!”wasunmistakably displayed under the morning sun.

  “Make sure you stand firm, safety first!” They nodded and repliedwith broad smiles.

  My sole intention at that instant was to draw attention by allmeans, either from the public or the media. “Put on your vest!” Fromsomewhere came the order. Oh, we forgot our uniform. While stillholding the banners or signboards, we helped each other, and withinseconds, the navy blue vests were proudly shown.

  “The lamas’ religion is not Buddhism!”“The lamas’ religion is not Buddhism!”

  We chanted the slogan.

  “Lamaism, with the Couple-Practice Tantra, is not Buddhism!”“Lamaism, with the Couple-Practice Tantra, is not Buddhism!”

  Since we set foot in this region, it was the first statements thatwe made to the public, loud and clear.

  The front sidewalk of the Arena block was entirely covered by amass sea of yellow banners, signboards and A3 posters. Suddenly, agrayish blue shielded police troop, marching on the double, emergedfrom nowhere. They lined up straight ahead of the first-rowdemonstrators, face to face, in front of the Arena, so close thattheir badges were even within reach.

  Even without much body motion, sweat trickled down from my head.As visitors walked past heading to the entrance, some curiouslyturned around and looked on, some unnaturally tramped forward like arobot. We stood still in silence, calm and composed.

  “Want a break?” No one accepted my offer.

  An officer approached me, telling me that the bodhisattvasstanding next to the entrance and on the edge of the high-slopedpark ought to be removed in order not to obstruct the entrance ofthe Arena. After my failed negotiations, we had to obey andwithdraw.

  “From the very start, the religion of the lamas has had nothing todo with Buddhism, yet they have been exploiting the faith anddedication of Buddhists worldwide to enrich their own interests. We,as the true Buddhists, are obliged to make the actual facts known tothe society. Their plots must be stopped; the public must not bemisled anymore.” The officer was rather friendly, and curious aswell, so I told him about our mission. Later on, at our withdrawal,I did offer him a publication from our association called Decodingthe Dalai Lama’s Copulation Tantra Practiceand some of ourbrochures. This way, he could have some positive link with theBuddha dharma in the future.

  “Political oppression! Political oppression!”

  All of a sudden, a violent bellow burst out from the upper part ofthe staircase. I searched round for the noise, and spotted aroundfive or six unknown individuals clustered together. What a bigcontrast in number and sound volume in comparison with our unit.


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