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[口袋书系列]  发表时间: 2015-04-16 08:47 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭

  2 Love for All—Having sexual love withmany female followers for the Dual Operations of Bliss and Emptinessof Mahayoga

  The Tibetan fake Buddhism claims that Mahayoga (the DualOperations of Bliss and Emptiness) is the most ultimate Buddhadharma. However, it is only the lamas’ wishful thinking. The realBuddha dharma can never be like that. What is the essence ofLamaistic Mahayoga (the Dual Operations of Bliss and Emptiness)? Tobe frank, it is to have love for all, to “have sexual love with allthe beautiful young female followers one by one.” The true meaningof love for all from the Dalai Lama is to make all the beautifulyoung female followers and lamas dwell in the state of orgasmtogether. To have the smart wisdom of maintaining orgasm for a longduration and to be willing to make all the females achieve orgasmwith happiness for a long time during sexual intercourse areactually the compassion told by the Dalai Lama. In his book, theDalai Lama says:

  A practitioner who has firm compassion and wisdom can make use ofsexual intercourse in the spiritual path as a technique for stronglyfocusing consciousness and manifesting the fundamental innate mindof clear light. Its purpose is to actualize and prolong the deeperlevels of mind in order to put their power to use in strengtheningthe realization of emptiness. (Dalai Lama XIV/translated and editedby Jeffrey Hopkins, Mind of Clear Light: Advice on living well anddying consciously, Atria Books, 2003, p.176.)

  He says again in his another book:

  According to the New translation Schools, at a certain high pointin the practice of Secret Mantra, the mantrika engages in specialpractices such as making use of a sexual partner, hunting animals,and so forth. Though it is easy to explain the purpose of employinga partner as a means of bringing desire to the path and inducingsubtler consciousnesses which realize emptiness, the hunting ofanimals cannot be explained that way. (The XIV Dalai Lama, Kindness,Clarity, & Insight, Snow Lion Publications, 1988, p.219.)

  Obviously, the lamas are using the female followers as the sexualpartners to have the practice of extensive copulations. They give ita dignified name and say that it is to “strengthen the realizationof emptiness.” Actually, the gurus or lamas desire to have sex withmost of the female followers; under the guise of Buddhist term“enlightenment,” they seduce the beautiful young females. (In fact,they refuse to have sex with the ugly old females, violating thespirit of love for all.) What the Dalai Lama preaches is “a fakeBuddhism that makes use of sexual partners.”

  Therefore, it is clearly understood that the Dalai Lama makes useof sexual partners to achieve the purpose of the couple-practice ofcopulation of Mahayoga, which is actually the final goal of Tibetanfake Buddhism preached by the Dalai Lama. Therefore, in the books ofthe Dalai Lama, it explains very clearly that the practice of theSecret Mantra in Lamaism needs to have an actual practice with asexual partner eventually. It actually needs to have sex with thefemale followers, but the Dalai Lama purposely says in the end: “…,the hunting of animals cannot be explained that way.” This is acover-up. Actually, they only use “the statement of hunting animals”as a cover for their practice of Mahayoga (the Dual Operations ofBliss and Emptiness) with sexual partners. In his another Englishbook, the Dalai Lama claims:

  The three lower tantras do involve using in the bliss that arisesupon looking at, smiling at, and holding hands or embracing ameditated Knowledge Woman (consort);(The XIV Dalai Lama, Deity Yoga:In Action and Performance Tantra, Snow Lion Publications, New York,1981, p.211.)

  Therefore, the lower level tantras involve the meditation on“looking at, smiling at, holding hands or embracing” a sexualpartner. However, the higher tantra is to have an actual practice ofMahayoga with a real female follower; namely, their final goal is tohave an actual couple-practice of copulation (Mahayoga) with femalepartners, the Dual Operations of Bliss and Emptiness that make bothof the couple achieve orgasm. Hence, the Dalai Lama repeatedlymentions “the sexual partner” in his books.

  Therefore, for the lamas of Tibetan fake Buddhism, “the sexualpartner” plays a very important role. For this reason, it isunderstood why they are often accused of sexual assaults—when thefemale follower is unwilling to have the couple-practice with thelama and the lama mistakenly thinks that she only pretends to beshy, a scandal breaks after the lama has sexually assaulted her. Andyet, more female followers are misled by the claim of “attainingBuddhahood in this lifetime,” wrongly thinking that thecouple-practice of copulation (the Dual Operations of Bliss andEmptiness) is real Buddhism. Therefore, the female followers areseduced by the lamas and have the couple-practice of copulation withthe lamas privately. It is a forever secret between the femalefollowers and the lamas; their husbands will never know the truththroughout their whole life. It is because “Tibetan Buddhism(Lamaism)” focuses on the couple-practice of copulation, which istheir core doctrine and theory.


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