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[口袋书系列]  发表时间: 2015-04-16 08:47 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭

  In recent twenty to thirty years, we can see that the tantricLamaism penetrates Taiwan gradually; the cultivation centers of thetantric practice have been set up very quickly in Taiwan, in thename of “Tibetan Buddhism.” Under the guise of “Buddhism,” they arein fact spreading the doctrine of Lamaism, which originates from theancient Hindu Tantrism with reproduction worship and cultivates theCouple-Practice Tantra of copulation. Because of Taiwan people’svirtue and the Taiwan Buddhist society’s ignorance of the TibetanBuddhism’s real contents, the public do not have the capability toidentify that the essence of the Lamaistic teachings, doctrines, andpractices in fact have nothing to do with the Buddha dharma; thegist of Tibetan “Buddhism” even conflicts with the teachings of thereal Buddhism. Due to the ignorance of their real details, Taiwanesepeople accept the misconception that “Tibetan Buddhism is Buddhism,”wrongly think they are the venerable monks with pure practice, andthus donate huge money to offer these lamas, who diligentlycultivate the Couple-Practice Tantra of copulation. Therefore, theselamas and rinpoches, who were exiled to many countries, all chooseTaiwan as the best place where they want to come for dharmatransmission and empowerment. They all think that Taiwanese peopleare very rich. Taiwan becomes the biggest financial supporter tohelp the exiled government of Tibetan Buddhism, which is led by theDalai Lama. These lamas, who practice the Couple-Practice Tantra,not only take Taiwanese people’s hard earned money away but alsohave sex with many Taiwanese females, presenting their “love forall”—to cultivate the Couple-Practice Tantra of Mahayoga with allfemales. We can see many sexual assaults happen over and over againat many tantric cultivation centers in Taiwan. The cases that werereported by the media are in fact very few; most of the sexualassaults were covered up out of consideration for the victims’reputation.

  The tantric lamas not only steal the name of Buddhism but alsohave created social chaos. The major cause of social chaos resultsfrom the kernel doctrine of Lamaism—the Dual Operations of Bliss andEmptiness through Mahayoga—which concentrates on the orgasm andkeeps a state where no thought arises for a long time. They claimthat this is the realization level of the Union of Bliss andEmptiness as well as the Dual Operations of Bliss and Emptiness,which is the highest achievement in Mahayoga. They cheat theBuddhists by saying that this level is the realization of theultimate Buddhahood, and one is able to further purify the spiritthrough sexual intercourse (dignifying it with the name ofempowerment of Mahayoga). By this way, they attract many of thosewho are innocent and ignorant of the real contents of the tantricLamaism. Consequently, many lamas, living-buddhas and rinpoches, inthe name of Tibetan “Buddhism,” come to Taiwan to hold theactivities like empowerment, prayer or dharma-spreading through theadvertising methods of politics, news and media business to cheatTaiwanese females for couple-practice of copulation. Lamaism namesthese females buddha-mothers and makes them wrongly think they willbecome a Buddha quickly if they can have the couple-practice ofcopulation with their living-buddha teachers (gurus). With that kindof claims, some Taiwanese females who have been confused with theillusory title of buddha-mother are willing to cooperate with thelamas on sexual misconduct as well as cheating, and collude withthem to cheat more innocent females. The worse case of the lamas’behavior is using the excuse of enhancing the practice to directlyrape the beautiful female followers to satisfy their sexual desiresthrough the Couple-Practice Tantra; they make these females, whowant to learn the pure Buddha dharma originally, fall into theendless sufferings but dare not to disclose it at all. The tantriclamas who worship this kind of “love for all” advocated by the DalaiLama and want to love all women in the whole world are in facthoping to cultivate the Couple-Practice Tantra with worldwidefemales. This is the true meaning of the Dalai Lama’s “love forall.” However, the public are defrauded by him and do not know thatthey should prevent their female family members from harm. Inaddition to those females who are sexually assaulted, their husbandsare even more pitiful; they have been cuckolded secretly, but theystill offer lots of money to the lamas. What a pity! Many of themeven lose their wives and money at the same time, and can only weepin private, nowhere to accuse the lamas. These events continue tohappen everywhere in Taiwan, China, and even the whole world. Bythis way, Tibetan “Buddhism”—Lamaism—uses the Buddhist appearance,media advertisement, political manipulation, and the slogans ofhuman right to dignify themselves so that they can “have love forall women in the whole world.”

  Taiwan is a free, democratic and rational society that allows thefreedom of speech. Therefore, Lamaism can speak loudly in public tocheat Taiwanese people. Many people do not know that Lamaism, orso-called Tibetan “Buddhism,” is not Buddhism at all and let thelamas, who disguise themselves as the Buddhists and practice theCouple-Practice Tantra, continue to sexually assault our virtuous,ignorant females. The True Enlightenment Education Foundationcommits itself to the social education and the guarding of virtuouscustom, and aims to spread Buddha Sakyamuni’s Tathagatagarbha dharmaas well as to purify the practice for the way to Buddhahood. TheFoundation cannot bear to see the lamas, who disguise themselves asthe Buddhists, harm people; therefore it appeals to the public withthe hope that they can recognize the details of Tibetan“Buddhism”—Lamaism. Due to poor information availability in ancienttime, originally Tibetan “Buddhism” practitioners cultivated theCouple-Practice Tantra in secret, and so most of people did not knowthat the couple-practice of copulation is the essence of Lamaism andthe root, consistent doctrine; even the novice tantric practitionersdid not know this truth either. However nowadays, with thewell-developed information and the teachings of the lamas who visitTaiwan, the real details of the tantric practice are disclosedgradually. In addition, since more and more sex scandals about thelamas are uncovered, many wise people can gather the real evidenceand announce it to the public. But until now, lots of people stilldo not know the truth. As for the Dalai Lama, who is the leader ofTibetan “Buddhism,” he does not blame the lamas for the more andmore sexual assaults but rather quietly support them. In fact, it isimpossible for him to disagree with them because the Couple-PracticeTantra is the root doctrine of the tantric practice. In the DalaiLama’s writings, we also find many statements that promote theCouple-Practice Tantra. The kernel doctrine of Tibetan “Buddhism” isthe obscene skill of the Couple-Practice Tantra—having a stifferection without ejaculation for a long time, thus vajra beingcalled, and enjoying sexual happiness for a long time, thus thereward-body buddha being realized. Actually this kind of reward-bodybuddha is the “embracing-body” buddha and has completely nothing todo with the state of the real reward-body Buddha in Buddhism.Therefore, the Dalai Lama, in his many writings of both English andChinese, talks about the realization of yoga through copulation andproclaims that the actual realization of Buddhism should bepracticed via sex. He teaches and encourages people to practice theCouple-Practice Tantra in public, and lies that the obscene sexualbehavior among the teacher and students in turn, which is the lowestlevel in the desire-realm, is the highest Buddhist practice andrealization. With this kind of teachings, of course he does notforbid the lamas to either seduce or rape their female followers.Through the political advertising means, the Dalai Lama dignifieshis thoughts with the name of prayer, empowerment, freedom, peace,etc. in order to rationalize the Couple-Practice Tantra of Tibetan“Buddhism.” Essentially their actual behavior is still the obscenesexual intercourse between the lamas and the female followers.Although the Dalai Lama skillfully uses many tricks to cheat thepublic, the wise and rational people will not be tricked by hislies. Nevertheless, many other people who blindly believe in theouter appearance of the “reincarnated living-buddha” are deceived byhis lies. Some Taiwanese Buddhist monastic practitioners who wronglybelieve that the Dalai Lama is a great practitioner, with amisconception that the Couple-Practice Tantra is the Buddha dharmatoo, violate Buddha Sakyamuni’s pure, clean precept of celibacy formonastic persons and have cultivated the Couple-Practice Tantra insecret already. They seriously violate the precept and havecommitted the sin of hell karma. Such poor people are the victims ofthe Dalai Lama’s group. Just think about how influential it is: Eventhe lay Buddhists will not violate the precept of no sexualmisconduct, now the monastic practitioners, with the Dalai Lama’senticement, cannot keep their precept of celibacy and continue toextensively cultivate the Couple-Practice Tantra in secret; withthis situation, the moral virtues will completely disappear, and thetraditional ethics will no longer exist in Taiwan; inevitably, thesame thing will also happen in China. Therefore, every man shouldprevent his wife from learning the tantric practice lest he will becuckolded unwittingly, and every self-respecting female should keepfar away from the tantric practice so that she can be free from thedoubts of her friends and husband for having sex with the lama.


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