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[口袋书系列]  发表时间: 2015-04-16 08:47 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭

  他的书清晰的呈现了六十四种情欲艺术的细节,分成八类的性爱游戏──拥抱、亲吻、捏与抓、咬、来回移动与抽送、春情之声、角色转换、交欢的姿势。其形而上的焦点是:性喜乐是通往根本自性的一道心灵经验之门。(资料来源:http://www.nownews.com/ 2003/03/14/1128-1424898.htm,引用时间:2009/11/7)


  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-1-1)

  The above picture is a couple-body statue. Eventually, the womenwill have the couple-practice of copulation with lamas like this.上图乃是密宗的双身像,女性最后都要与喇嘛这样合修。


  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-1-3)


  The above picture is the couple-body “buddha statue” ofTantricLamaism, a picture of the couple-practice of copulation. Ifthe woman copulating with a lama is your family member, how can youendure this?上图是密宗喇嘛教双身“佛像”,是男女双修的性交图;若那个与喇嘛性交女性是您的家人,您将情何以堪?

  True Face of the Dalai Lama

  ——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-1-5)


  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world



  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-1-9)


  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-1-11)


  The above picture is the couple-practice of copulation in standingposture, a couple-body statue of Tibetan fake “Buddhism,” or calledLamaism; they falsely claim to have attained Buddhahood.上图是藏传假“佛教”—喇嘛教─的男女立姿性交冒充“成佛”的双身像。

  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-1-13)


  True Face of the Dalai Lama

  ——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-1-15)

  Just think: If your wife has the couple-practice of copulation(Mahayoga) with a lama as shown in this picture, aren’t you wearinga green hat? Anyone who supports his wife to practice the teachingsof “Tibetan Buddhism,” led by the Dalai Lama, will inevitably havethis result.



  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world

  Disclosing the secret about the couple-body statues in the tantrictemples of Lamaism:密宗喇嘛寺院双身像揭密:(图24-2-1)

  These are the couple-body statues of Lamaism worshipped in GuangrenTemple, Xian, China. Usually, the lower part of each statue isveiled to cover up their involvement in the couple-practice ofcopulation (left photo); when the veil is removed, it shows clearlythe fact of the couple-practice of copulation (right photo).Photograph taken on December 3, 2009 and April 8, 2010 respectively



  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-2-3)


  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-2-5)


  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-2-7)


  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-2-9)


  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-2-11)


  The couple-body statue in a Lamaistic temple, North Pagoda HuguoDharma Wheel Temple, Shengyang, China. They propagate the tantriccouple-practice copulation of Mahayoga. Photograph taken on December13, 2009.中国渖阳的喇嘛教寺院——北塔护国法轮寺,其所弘扬的就是密宗无上瑜伽男女性交的双身像。拍摄日期:2009/12/13。

  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-2-13)

  Just think calmly: Eventually, your wife or other female familymembers will cultivate the couple-practice of copulation of“Mahayoga” with the tantric gurus or living-buddhas like this.请冷静的理解:您的老婆或家中女性若与密宗喇嘛、活佛们修学佛法,最后一定要这样“无上瑜伽”—交合起来。


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