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[口袋书系列]  发表时间: 2015-04-16 08:47 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭

  Ι. Dalai Lama’s Prayer Being Useless

  Tibetan “Buddhism,” led by the Dalai Lama, or called Lamaism,tries to use the “copulation of the Couple-Practice Tantra ofMahayoga” to have “love for all”—loving all women in the world. Inthe name of praying for the victims of the typhoon disaster, theywant to expand their power in Taiwan, get more money from Taiwan,and enlarge the financial resources of Tibetan exiled government.But in fact, the Dalai Lama’s prayer is useless. We can prove itthrough the three arguments as follows:

  First, Tibetan “Buddhism” usually exaggerates that the Dalai Lamais the reincarnation of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara and have beenreincarnated for fourteen times till now; the current Dalai Lama isthe fourteenth generation. However, from the recorded historicaldata, we can find that most of the Dalai Lamas in the history diedbefore they became an adult, many of them being dead before twentyyears old. From this simple fact, we can conclude that the DalaiLama is by no means the reincarnation of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvarabut an ordinary person, who is exaggerated as the great bodhisattvathrough the governmental religious policy of fooling people andmedia promotion. This time, through the political manipulation, hecame to Taiwan in the name of prayer and empowerment. Beacause ofpromoting the extensive cultivation of the Couple-Practice Tantra,he does not have the qualification and capability to pray forpeople, and thus his prayer to Buddhas or bodhisattvas is definitelyuseless. Those who have Buddhist knowledge all know that BodhisattvaAvalokitesvara is the great bodhisattva of equal-enlightenment whohas perfected the virtuous welfare and supra-mundane wisdom; it isimpossible for her to die so young. Only in Tibetan “Buddhism” butnot in the true Buddhism, there exists the “living-buddhas” who diedin their early age. If someone argues: “These Dalai Lamas who diedearly is because of political conflict and oppression,” this kind oftalk can even prove the Dalai Lama is not the reincarnation ofBodhisattva Avalokitesvara since Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara had beenthe True Dharma Enlightenment Tathagata, who became the bodhisattvain reverse order, and had been a Buddha already; due to the greatkindness and compassion, Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara manifestsherself as the equal-enlightenment bodhisattva to rescue thesuffering sentient beings. All Buddhas have perfected their virtuouswelfare and wisdom, it is impossible for them to die so early,without the worldly welfare at all. It is even more impossible forthem to die by the political oppression. Those who die by thepolitical oppression will not be the true Buddha. However in Tibetan“Buddhism,” the living-buddhas, the Dalai Lamas of many generations,mostly died early, with the incarnations of very short life.Consequently, the lie that “the Dalai Lama is the reincarnation ofBodhisattva Avalokitesvara” can only confuse those who lack wisdomand are superstitious; only in Tibetan “Buddhism,” Lamaism, thereexists the short-life-buddha, and only those superstitious personswill believe this claim of Lamaism; the prayers of this Dalai Lama,who disguises himself as a Buddha, are completely in vain; heengages in the political activities of “Tibet independence” in thename of religion and came to Taiwan for supporting lamas, whoseduces the females to cultivate the Couple-Practice Tantra insecret. Therefore, we should recognize the following fact: The DalaiLama is only a politico, a fake practitioner and an ordinary personwho always intends to cultivate the Couple-Practice Tantra withfemales.

  Second, from the Buddhist viewpoint, the Dalai Lama replaces thetrue Buddha dharma with the non-Buddhist eternalism, which thinksthe conscious mind is permanent and never ceasing, and regards theobscene happiness of concentrating on copulation, the DualOperations of Bliss and Emptiness of Mahayoga, as the highestrealization level of practice. With such behavior, he is never theclean, pure Buddhist. This person’s prayer to the Buddhas andbodhisattvas is absolutely useless. In addition, the purposes of hisvisit to Taiwan this time are to make a political show of “Tibetindependence” in the name of praying for the typhoon victims, tocollect wealth through Taiwanese people’s offering, and to propagatethe Couple-Practice Tantra of Mahayoga in the name of Lamaistic“love for all”—loving all women in the whole world. The prayerceremony held by this kind of person does not have any effect atall. But it is a pity that many stupid, superstitious persons arestill willing to blindly follow him.

  Third, the Dalai Lama, the so-called the highest dharma-king of“Tibetan Buddhism,” is actually the dharma destroyer who negates thetrue dharma of Buddha Sakyamuni; he slanders the Buddha with thefollowing statements:

  According to the general Mahayana point of view, there were threemajor turnings of the wheel, as the three main cycles of theBuddha's teachings are traditionally called. The teachings that weregiven during these three major turnings of the wheel are literallycontradictory—some elements are really incompatible. (Jeremy Haywardand Francisco J. Varela, Gentle Bridges: Conversations with theDalai Lama on the Sciences of Mind, 1992, Boston, Mass.: ShambhalaPublications, p.31)


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